Isn´t always that bad to be a vegan…


Pyttipanna and Rashers.

På min arbetsplats i Köpenhamn äter man lunch (dvs. “frokost”) 14.30. Då går man ut i lunchrummet, där det luktar rök (eftersom det är ett kontorshotell och de som vill röka på sina rum får göra det). Och så plockar mina arbetskamrater fram en kasse ur kylen som innehåller allt för att göra smörrebröd. Rågbrödet breds med leverpostej, remoulade, sild (oftast karry-, dvs curry-) och saltgurka. Sedan delas brödskivorna på hälften innan de äts med kniv och gaffel.

Varje dag.

Obs, mina kolleger är 27-30 år gamla.

Receptionisten har berättat att när hon började här åt grabbarna pizza +Jolt cola. Varje dag. Hon tycker detta är en förbättring.
Och det tycker nog jag med.

Idag har jag med mig en plastkorv med icas veg. ärtsoppa plus två knäckebröd. Ha! Jag ska knäcka dom med min svenskhet.

I lunchrummet står dessutom ett antal backar med tomflaskor. Allt från pilsner till vitt vin och mousserande har tydligen intagits. På somrarna grillar de på gården och dricker öl. På gården finns ett utedass som förr i tiden var husets enda WC.

Förra veckan fick jag gå och hämta mat för jag hade ingen med mig. 80 DKK för 10 sushibitar (veg) som var de minsta jag någonsin sett.

I afton ska jag dock äta falafel på Nørrebrogade innan jag ska gå på ett seminarium om klädproduktion i utlandet på Jagtvej. Då ska jag betala 25 kr för en falafel som är en tredjedel så stor som de i Malmö. Men med dilldressing.

Wigs are the best party trick ever. Best new year´s party in a decade.newyear2006

Alla som seriöst överväger att gå på en av Malmös alternativ till “nyårsafton på klubb”, get real. Inget slår en schysst hemmafest – som jag f.ö. i våras lärde mig heter “lägenhetsfest” i Gbg – där man känner 80 procent och 20 procent är otippade. Man väljer egen musik (=konstant fet), man får tillfälle att snacka med folk som man inte träffat på evigheter, och man kan skåla i billigt bubbel (det enda värt namnet heter, fortfarande, Törley). Så hem och festa hos varandra nu och låt alla loosers stå på töntiga fester och se bortkomna ut.

12 bands played at this year´s Älghultsfestival and it was a great party. We survived 2 hours of heavy raining on Saturday from noon, but suring performances on stage it was sunny.

The cabin hosted a cosy bar, the fireplace lit as usual, and outside we grilled on a row. No time to pick mushrooms this year, but some went out and got some. The bands were excellent and the last band, Minutka Square, rocked the woods of Småland and was a kick-start for a crazy dance floor. I have vague memories of “singing” punk mixed with lots of wailing Saturday night, on stage with a provsory band and no audience (heavy rain). My laptop survived a completely beer-soaked table (Friday night) and even played a couple of 50 Herz-songs (“Intergrill” – about a falafel-grill in Malmö).


After almost 5 days in the woods we drove home and passed the junk yard for old cars outside Ryd, south of Växjö. We heard about this place years ago but didn´t visit until now.

I was supposed to start working in Copenhagen today but it got postponed til next Thursday. Until then I have dozens of things to take care of, not the least the new designers market I´m starting up with 4 other people. I love going from one project to the next. I feel privileged to be able to work with those kind of things, with happy, forward people. Website will be up soon.

… that I travelled a lot in my life.

This made me somewhat down, realizing I had the chance to go to at least 10 more countries.

Make your own map here.

Poise - JaneThese pictures were taken by Seb in July in Gothenburg. See more here.

Today I rediscovered the good old photo prints. Yes, to actually go to a photo store and get print-outs of your digital photographs. I compiled a folder with 130 images that I will take there tomorrow. It will cost me about 300 SEK but that includes fifteen 15×20 centimeters-prints, some of them fashions shots my friend Seb took a couple of weeks ago in Gothenburg.

Weekend is coming up and I just realized I didn´t´have a vacation this year. Strange, since I´m unemployed. I´ve done trips, but I haven´t been free. I wish I had a week or two in a cabin, just hanging out doing nothing.

Instead I will work next week and meet with Goran and after that another trip to Gothenburg. Then the Malmöfestival is coming up, and Helen will visit from London. And then it´s the end of August and the big yearly event takes place. The Älghultsfestival. It´s amazing how much time it takes to organize everything. Luckily 75 percent of the crew is full or half time unemployed and we managed to bring up a great lineup and funny events for this year.

It´s a really thankful business to organize non-profit-entertainment stuff for your friends. In search for bands and information, I´ve come across new and interesting music I probably wouldn´t have heard otherwise. is really a good place. It´s grown so big everyone is there. That´s a good business idea, I´ll drink to that.

This summer has been the summer of friendship. I had time to really dig in to relationships and it is giving me much happiness. I send my regards to all of you who make life so much funnier, you to gothenburgers, the Brittish, the Skövde-folks, Stockholm-freaks… Love y´all.

The sunflower I planted in May finally blooms on our balcony.


Been having a great week in London and now on my way to D & M´s wedding in Gothenburg.

The Älghult festival of 2006 is coming together even more. See full bandlist and check out the Forum at the Mandolin´s webpage.
See more pics from London here.

Cisslo and Helen in Soho

Me and Helen in the Endurance pub in Soho.